
Star wars clone commander bly
Star wars clone commander bly

Bly was not allowed to remain in the village due to him carrying a blaster. The leader decided to send his son, who was a healer who said one of their party had to stay, which was Secura, who had to stay in the village. Finding a village who believed in non violence, Ahsoka asked them to help Anakin. Bly killed one of the animals, which frightened the other one, but Cameron, Flash and Lucky were killed. As Bly and the rest followed a path in the grass that was used to drag tree seed pods, they were attacked by a pair of animals. Bly, Secura, Tano, Flash, Cameron and Lucky decided to look for the trees that were depicted on the tablet, leaving Captain Rex behind to watch over the injured Skywalker. On Maridun, Bly discovered a tablet that was carved which showed a humanoid fighting some sort of enemy, which meant that there was intelligent life on the planet.

star wars clone commander bly

Secura was able to power the ship back again, and Ahsoka piloted the ship around the star and crash landed on a planet called Maridun. The troopers tried to redirect the ship's course and they finally did, after powering down all the ship's systems. Later Bly realized that the cruiser that they were investigating was on a direct crash course with a star. Bly, Secura, Skywalker, Tano and Rex barely escaped several explosions that were going off in the ship. Unfortunately for them, the Separatists sent more droids in an attempt to take down the ship. Secura ordered Bly to to destroy the attacking forces and with the help of Anakin Skywalker, his padawan Ahsoka and Captain Rex, the droid forces were defeated.

star wars clone commander bly

Secura and her forces would suffer heavy damage due to getting attacked by several Munificent-class star frigates while on a mission with three Venator-class Star Destroyers that were being sent to Quell. Bly and Secura set a trap for the droid, with Secura beheading it. In 22 BBY, Bly with the help of Jedi Aayla Secura, were sent on a mission to retrieve information from the memory banks of a tactical droid. Being a commander, Bly helped to relay regular clone troopers' messages to their Jedi Generals. Bly was trained as an ARC trooper, which gave him a more independent mindset in regards to different tactical situations.

star wars clone commander bly

Bly was among the first of clone marshal commanders to be trained by Alpha-17.

Star wars clone commander bly