If not, reply to this post below for guidance), it will launch. Once you have installed SpintiresMod on your PC with the setup wizard (which I assume you know how to do. Set hotkey to release winch with keyboard. Show all addons in garage (multiplayer). Spawn vehicles, reload vehicles, update assets, turn on the garage without being in one, and switch between day and night on the spot with the dev tools. Spawn instantly on a marked location on a map with spawn locators. Leaves difflock off while switching gearbox. Don't turn difflock on when leaving auto gearbox mode. When in windowed mode, game remains at full FPS while tabbed out of window. Don't limit FPS while game window is inactive. Useful for high end systems and high refresh rate displays. Changes weather your see addon sockets in upper case text or not. Increase range of the ability to switch vehicles, repair damage to other vehicles or refuel other vehicles or players. Change radius of activity of physical objects. Don't turn off headlight in change truck. Allows you to see other player's headlights Bypasses the game's way of blocking multiplayer access with changes made to the files. It also allows functionality of tracked vehicles. It functions as a patch to prevent game instability, 32 bit leaks and crashes as well as import features to make the game more enjoyable. SpinTiresMod is a third party patch created by AlexNez. have the Dev Tools and battery winch, you've come to the right place! This tutorial will show you how to get it and be able to use it as easy as possible. If you've had Spintires Plus in the first SpinTires game (Spintires 03/03/16), or you are completely new to the game and are wondering how YouTubers, friends etc. Latest Version (Mar 12, 2021): SpinTiresModv1.10.19 - 65.9 MB - Previous versions can be found Here